Computer/Tablet(audio and video)
Click Ottawa Meetings Direct Link to an Ottawa AlAnon ZOOM meeting
- Go to
- Click “Join a meeting”
- Enter the meeting ID and password when prompted (see Ottawa AlAnon ZOOM Meeting ID and password information)
Participants must have a ZOOM account. It is free to join. There is also a free app in ios and android
By Telephone (audio only)
Choose one of the numbers shown below (Canada). Before you dial make sure to have the meeting ID and the password if required(Ottawa AlAnon ZOOM Meeting ID and password information)
- +1 647 558 0588
- +1 778 907 2071
- +1 438 809 7799
- +1 587 328 1099
- + 1 647 374 4685
Please mute your phone by pressing *6 so that others do not hear background noise.
Additional Meetings
You may also check the World service Office website (WSO) website for additional meetings.
Teens are welcome at all online and in-person Al-Anon meetings. To access the Ottawa Alateen meeting see: Freedom to Choose Serenity-Ottawa Area Alateen ZOOM meeting
There is also a Teen chat option: WSO Alateen chat meeting